Mobilizing Minnesota’s
social capital so every
child reads proficiently
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Support our
Big Hairy
Audacious Goal (BHAG)
Donate Today To transform Minnesota into the state with the highest reading proficiency
with the fewest racial inequities than any state and accomplishes it in record-breaking time.
50.1% of children in
Minnesota’s K-12 classrooms
don’t read proficiently.
That’s more than
500,000 students.
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Blue Shape teacher with kids during story time Red Shape talk at rally to read MN Literacy Day at capital MN Literacy Day at capital

Want kids to succeed?
Let’s teach them to read!

Half of students sitting in
Minnesota’s classrooms are
not equipped to succeed
because they can’t read
proficiently. That’s more
than 500,000 children.

We can do better. For kid’s sake we must. 

Approximately 70,000 children are born in Minnesota every year.

Let’s not add hundreds of thousands of kids to that unconscionable reading proficiency statistic by failing to invest in children now. The time for action is now!

Language skill development doesn’t begin in, nor is it confined to, a classroom. 

It begins before birth.

 Long before teachers employ “the science of reading,” a child’s brain is being “wired” to read.

We want to support the tireless work teachers do in the classrooms so we can accelerate our ability to make every child a proficient reader. 

Our benchmarks of success:
every child is “wired” to read by age 3 and reads proficiently at grade level.

It takes
a village

Pregnant woman reading on a digital tablet

Infants generate approximately 100,000 new neurons each day. 

Roughly a million connections per second. 

Three little boys reading

Some 80% of brain development happens in the first three years.

Connections either get used or the child’s brain discards them — they wither and never return.

It is possible to overcome poor brain nurturing, but it is much harder, takes longer, and costs more than doing it right from the start.

Every child deserves an equity of opportunity to optimize their brain and literacy development in the first 3 years of life so they are “wired” to read when they cross the threshold of a classroom.

The problem isn’t that our children can’t learn.

The primary problem is the methods we’ve used to teach reading don’t work. Developments in neuroscience, research on school readiness, crime, juvenile detention, workplace readiness tell a compelling story of what works, what doesn’t and the economic consequences of ignoring the problem.

Please join Minnesota’s
Rally to Read Campaign so
every child reads proficiently!

Minnesota is the “capitol” of “social capital.”
  • has what it takes.
  • knows what works and what doesn’t. 
  • knows what to do, but do we have the will to do it?
The best gift Minnesotans can give our children is implementing what research tells us delivers results. We need to develop literacy at the right time, with the right intensity and right resources. 

We have a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG):
transform Minnesota to the state with the highest reading proficiency with the fewest racial inequities than any state and accomplish it with a “fierce urgency of now.”

How? Launch Grassroots Community Reading Coalitions to mobilize support and establish community-based strategies to achieve the BHAG. We’re mobilizing Minnesota’s social capital so every child is wired to read proficiently.

consequences of
not reading

  • Erodes self-esteem, confidence and triggers shame.
  • More likely to:
    •  get poor grades,
    • be truant,
    • drop out of school,
    • end up in special education,
    • have discipline problems,
  • The ripple effect: family, livelihood, community, health and has toxic impact on the workplace and the economic engine of the state.
  • Not reading by 3rd grade is for many a pipeline to prison
    • 85% of juveniles in juvenile court system are functionally illiterate.
    • 70% of inmates in America’s prisons cannot read above a fourth- grade level.

Reading is
a racial inequity we know
how to solve.

While the problem crosses the socioeconomic strata of our state, it disproportionately impacts those living in pockets of poverty and in communities of Black, Indigenous and People of Color. MN has one of the worst racial reading gaps in the country.  Teaching a child to read is one of the best strategies for improving racial equity in MN. It is the one civil rights disadvantage we know how to cure. 

Story time with Grandma

“a fierce urgency of now”

Unleashing Minnesota’s abundant social capital with a fierce urgency of now can result in a Minnesota Miracle – every child is a proficient reader by grade three.

baby and books

Today’s readers  = tomorrow’s leaders! 

Reading sets kids up for success. 

We can do better. For kid’s sake we must. 

Watch Bernadeia Johnson, Former Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools read the book “Girls Like Me” a gift from friend Carol Johnson who was also the former Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, to her granddaughter Reggie.

Please join Minnesota’s Rally to Read Campaign so every child reads proficiently!

MN Literacy Day

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talk at rally to read

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Three little boys reading

Kids will succeed if we teach them to read! We need your help. 

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