baby reading with parent

The best gift Minnesotans can give our children is implementing what research tells us delivers results.

baby reading with grandma

We need your help, your time, talent and treasure.

We do not have to live with our failure to effectively teach our children to read.

We either invest in literacy now, or pay for the consequences in the future. It is time we stop tossing chump change against the challenge.

Every dollar you invest reaps an 18% return on investment (ROI)

Art Rolnick, former Senior VP and Director of Research at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, has calculated a 18% return on investment in early childhood education.

We will continue to see our children pay the price for our being just plain cheap.  Our continued failure to implement what we know works simply sets children up for failure.

Good intentions without execution is just wishful thinking. Actually, it is worse – it is a lie.

Can anyone point to the child or children who don’t deserve equity of opportunities to optimize the development of their brain?

The economic arguments are compelling.  The positive impact this investment will have on children growing up in Minnesota is even more so.

1st Year Fundraising Campaign Goal: $500,000

We’re creating a public / private investment in early childhood brain and literacy development.

We need your help!

An appropriations bill was introduced this legislative session in Minnesota’s House of Representatives (HF 5349) and in Minnesota’s Senate (SF 5402) requesting $250,000 It requires matching private funds

Our objective is to fund the campaign to sustain success and accelerate impact:

A dedicated stream of funding will be secured from public, private and philanthropic sources to sustain the intensity needed to sustain local strategies to achieve their benchmark goals.

Join Minnesota’s Rally to Read campaign so every child reads proficiently. 

This following section is redundant and should be deleted: 

What your investment in children will achieve

Prototype MN Rally to Read Communities in a up to a dozen communities

  • Community currently launching MN Rally to Read is Monticello School District
  • Native Nation
  • Suburb
  • Regional metro area (e.g. St. Cloud/Rochester/Duluth)
  • Urban neighborhood
  • Small rural town
  • New immigrant community
  • English as a second language community
  • Up to 5 communities that apply to participate

Compile effective, efficient and evidence based best practice models.

Develop data tracking and evaluation dashboard tracking system for community benchmarks.  

Establish an evaluation plan. 

Create a model for sharing and communicating best practices among MN Rally to Read Communities.

Map state ecosystems of early childhood programs and services, and literacy initiatives.

Kids reading with parents