Star Tribune 04.16.2023 “If Cuba can eradicate illiteracy, Minnesota certainly can.”

Star Tribune 04.16.2023 “If Cuba can eradicate illiteracy, Minnesota certainly can.”

*Image Credit Star Tribune

If Cuba can eradicate illiteracy, Minnesota certainly can

It’s a matter of making it a BHAG — big, hairy, audacious goal.

By Tim Reardon

There are 500,000 K-12 students in Minnesota who are not reading proficiently. If you lined them up all holding hands, they would stretch from here to Chicago.

Twice that number of Cubans learned to read in less than two years back in 1961. Cuba virtually eliminated illiteracy. Cuba is an example of what can happen when public policy is executed on a scale that matches the scope of the problem and accomplished with the fierce urgency of now. The Cuban Literacy Campaign was a top funding priority in a country with a paltry budget.

If Cuba can do it, there is no reason Minnesota can’t……

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