Star Tribune – 12.26.2022 “Writing on the wall: The kids can’t read”

Star Tribune – 12.26.2022 “Writing on the wall: The kids can’t read”

*Image credit Star Tribune

When it comes to reading, we are not in Lake Wobegon anymore. According to the National Assessment of Education Progress, students in Minnesota are no longer above average. We are facing the tragic results of a failure to teach reading effectively to our kids. How and when we respond matters.

When Boeing faced a tragedy caused by the failure of its 737 Max airplane, the company was required to rewrite and recertify the operating instructions for the aircraft, recertify the airworthiness of every plane in service, and retrain and recertify every pilot who flies them. When it comes to reading, we need to do the same — adopt an approach to reading instruction that we know works, certify that every school is using that approach, recertify every teacher preparation program that prepares teachers to teach reading, and retrain and recertify every teacher in every school.  …. Continue Reading on the Star Tribune Website